Friday 7 August 2015

Song, Title and CD cover

Grown Ocean

The epitome of pop-culture, Fleet Foxes, does not only tie into the theme of foxes as well as their symbolism but also expresses how the above mentioned leaks into the 'hipster' trend and indie music. The use of the word 'foxes' in the band's name further strengthens my theory that foxes form part of the indie music scene due to their overall appeal as well as the symbolism attached to them. 

I designed this cover with a theme of quirkiness in mind, to link to the song itself as well as the audience it appeals to. This cover is created to resemble a montage of layered paper to give it a unique, hand-crafted feel. 

My CD cover is representative of the song 'Grown Ocean' from Fleet Foxes' 2011 album 'Helplessness Blues'.

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